Contact Us
Start your new life.
We can help.
866-245-9829All discussions confidential.
Free 15-minute phone consultation.
* We will endeavour to respond to all reasonable inquiries within one business day. Sending an inquiry does not create a solicitor/client relationship. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office.
Inquiries received in confidence.
*FC&Z Family Lawyers is the operating name of Fraese Zaoral LLP.
FC&Z Family Lawyers is a leading Western Canadian law firm with office in Calgary and Vancouver. Our lawyers have broad experience in family law matters such as divorce, separation, matrimonial property, spousal and child support, adoption, custody and parenting disputes. Our lawyers regularly appear in court, both in family chambers and on major trials and applications. We also frequently use alternate dispute resolution techniques such as binding arbitration, mediation, and JDR (judicial dispute resolution).
Media inquiries may be addressed directly to Heather Fraese. All other inquiries should be directed to the appropriate contact above.
Should you have any questions regarding our practice or ability to assist you in your family law matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Start your new life.
We can help.